Thursday 4 August 2011

Attack the Block (2011)

An alien encounter and a group of inner-city teens beat the hell out of. More, large, vicious aliens land and the determination of sex with children is looking for hungry animals. In order to survive, and block, teens and anyone they take down any way possible to save the creatures.

This is a very simplified summary of a very simple movie, but we do not mince words here. Simplistic ≠ bad. In fact, in this case, simplified = crook.

Writer / director of the Cornish film set out a very specific type, a type of film that just does not get very often. Block Attack in a film that hedonism exists purely as an exercise.more. Block Attack of the spirit can express a simple scenario: Two kids bored one summer evening, the other says, "It may not be evil if we were attacked by aliens, have a few bad Gollem - lookin ' muthaf ** ckers? I want to go ninja on your ass, "(that of course pictures speak a Sothern London). And, in fact, that attack the blocks - cowboys and Indians game, a group of children, or younger, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for.

If only every alien invasion movie was this awesome.

Came really close to giving this one a 9, it was better than Super 8 and it puts Cowboys & Aliens to shame. If you can see it, see it, ’cause it’s some of the most fun I’ve had in a theater all year. Hell to the yeah.

So hit the jump to get the full rundown on this totally Swayze movie, ya’ll.

From the producers of Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, Attack the Block follows a gang of tough inner-city kids who try to defend their turf against an invasion of savage alien creatures, turning a South London apartment complex into an extraterrestrial warzone. -- (C) Sony Pictures

Attack the Block manages to straddle the line of nostalgia for eighties cinema (when innocence wasn’t coddled the way it is now), and immediacy (made with modern technology in a style that appeals to modern audiences). It actually achieves what Super 8 seemed to set out to do in creating an adventure in the same vein as The Goonies or The Monster Squad. Undoubtedly this is because of its lack of sentimentality and more because of its focus on thrilling excitement.

Since the concept is simple, (alien attack), and we live in an age where simple monster costumes just don’t cut it, the special effects team have come up with some really ferocious and, quite frankly, interesting creatures. These vicious buggers look like enemies straight out of a comic book. They are quite literally as black as night, with no definition to them outside of their furry edges and bright blue glowing teeth. There is no doubt that these things look otherworldly, and are terrifying enough to make them quite a threat. In an odd way, they aren’t too dissimilar from those bizarre beasts in Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives.

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