Monday 8 August 2011

Kareena's Wedding preparations, Dress making by Ritu Kumar

Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan in 2012 are going to get married, no news now. Rather, the news about the two families have started preparations in full swing. 

Being seen for some time that Kareena has been repeated on the Delhi trip. Why? While Ritu Kumar, an old and experienced names in fashion designing but no significant relationship between Kareena and season did not get the idea that Kareena will be designing the wedding dress season! Manish Malhotra, Kareena is the choice anyway. 

Then season the 'honor' to see what caused it? Indeed, Ritu Kumar, Saif's mother Sharmila Tagore close and good relations. Walk the ramp for Ritu Sharmila has many times. Kumar Sharmila and Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi was also the photograph was used on the special occasion. 

Sharmila in the picture with the scarf Traditional Bhopali Frshi wore pajamas. It was the same dress Sharmila wore your wedding day in 1969 December. Sharmila's eye Ritu understands his family's tradition. 

So, when he gave up Ritu Walu the formulation of the bride's dress. It has been kept secret that Kareena will wear what the hell. However, news that will dress in the traditional sense.Prepare the family's legacy, just as Bebo Sharmila Sharmila's mother had given him. 

Saif will marry into the family mansion. The Fair Ritu refused to comment anything. According to sources, Kareena tied to the rest of the season the wedding will be ready Dreses.

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