Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Kim ran to see the Yuvraj

Actress Kim Sharma and cricketer Yuvraj Sharma's affair was in full swing ever, but now have four years to break them. Meanwhile Kim Kenya has settled with a business tycoon, the UV were Anjoy cricket and his single status. But judging by a recent incident that Yuvraj still have not come out of their past relations. Indeed, a Fashion Week in Mumbai recently visited both Kim and Yuvraj. 

Events were produced in three lounges, one of which Kim was sitting. Yuvraj reached at some time in the same room. But as soon as he saw Kim there, his face has changed Akpreshans and he quipped, shaking his head ran out of there. 

Was obvious that he was not comfortable looking at Kim. Helprs He later told them to go to another lounge. Kim tried to learn to see the commotion, but then they did not know anything. He seemed quite upset while speaking to the media. 

Kim said, "I have married the prince and thus should not Behav. There. Both Kim and Yuvraj still unaware of their encounter would be like this. Now is the right thing on behalf of Kim, but need to think why it was so embarrassing after all the sunlight!

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