Wednesday, 24 August 2011

There will marry Saif: Kareena Kapoor

Saif Ali Khan, Kareena on marriage are not willing to say anything now. Although his mind is clear planning of children from the marriage. Now the 'bodyguard' await the release, the opening of the Sir Stachu in Tusad he is excited. He has spoken to us in recent issues: After you 'star' sign have made? Yes, but it is too early to talk much about. I am glad that good and I have finally settled and now things are moving. The Director is an excellent and bold. Obviously, the film will definitely glamor and Sensation. 

 'Heroine' roll you have to do a challenge. Are you nervous? No, nothing like that. I am an actress and I like to roll different challenge. I always keep my looks and character do the experiment. You Opp large Heroes 'bodyguard' is like the movies. 

If you do so because of money or by working large Heroes Opp to join in the Big Leagues? 'Bodyguard' full of love and emotions is a Lvstori. I will remove you from it, it will be left with nothing.'Domineering' and 'Ready' to Salman's tremendous success is waiting for a hat-trick of success. Hopefully you will get your answer. 

Discuss your break up with hot industry that is Saif? This is nonsense. We are together. If you want to marry him? Of course. Every woman I want to take their relations to the Next Level. I will marry Saif for sure. But we just do not want to talk about marriage. Otherwise all the attention will be distracted from our work. It also discusses the 'Agent Vinod's release will be after your wedding? What is so. We show all the menu and the venue! There was some problem in relations with you and Saif? 

Ups and Downs are part of every relation. God forbid, but yesterday the actor did you cheat, you will do? Tomorrow never comes. I am a lucky girl. If you love the beach, so this problem will never come. Experience of this thing and I know what I'll do. I do not take unnecessary tension. Thanks to the work you are away for long gaps. 

During the outdoor locations that you are with the Smart Boys. So, what is your relationship? We have people contact between the mantle. Our love is not just limited to physical limits and both of us - give each other space completed. Saif does not deter me from doing anything, then it's Intimate scenes or wear a glamorous outfit. I check on them - is not interrupted. Saif's your relationship with your parents want to make the finals? Of course. 

Especially my mother (Babita). The father (Randhir) has never asked me anything. He just want to see me happy and safe. Do you want children? Of course, every woman I want a child. But in me is very childish. Saif to treat me like a child. I just have to make entry into the phase where I could handle the responsibilities of being a mother. If you are married now, so kids will have to wait? Of course, children should be by Choice, Not By Chance. 

 Museum Tusad Madam How was the tour? He was a great Experience. My Stachu will open in October. The six cities will be placed in Agjibishans. I want my sister Karisma at the time of opening the course with me. Sanjay Kapoor, Karisma's problem is not getting Solv? Charisma is a fighter. He has a very strong girl. Yet in every case he has emerged as a winner. Is currently continuing his fight.So, I must take her children on the set. In this difficult time you are giving with Charisma? Of course, we always - are ready for another. He is my best friend. The unconditional love between us.

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