Saturday 6 March 2010

Grant Bovey and wife Anthea Turner

Grant Bovey and wife Anthea Turner

United Kingdom: The Millioner Anthea Turner's humiliated husband Grant Bovey was legally declared bankrupt yesterday. The entrepreneur 48 admitted he is not able pay £ 50million worth of his debits because the collapse of his property empire at Guildford County Court yesterday.

After declaration of the devastating Anthea Turner and her husband Grant Bovey headed off on holiday for a few days to refresh out. The former property speculator was listed as unemployed in court documents and his residence was Sundown Cottage, the home owned by his wife in Hascombe, Surrey.

The couple's spokesman said the couple sped off on holiday following the humbling court appearance. He said: 'They have gone away for a few days to chill out. It has been a very difficult time. Bovey has blamed the credit crunch for ruining his property empire, which was once worth £100million. He also has three High Court writs against him for more than £3million – owed, he says, to banks for company debts he had guaranteed and not to individual creditors. The collapse of the property market meant the couple had to rein back their previously lavish lifestyle.
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