Saturday 6 March 2010

HBSE admit card - HBSE 2010

HBSE admit card - HBSE 2010

HBSE is a Haryana board of secondary education that was announced 2010 admit card on official website. Student can check direct link of HBSE admit card 2010 right below on this page. You can also get middle secondary admit cards in public notice.

Here Is link for HBSE Admit card 2010:

Home page: Here
Admit card: Here

The Board of Education Haryana was established in 1969 at Chandigarh.The Board started working with a staff of 100 officials allocated from Punjab University, Chandigarh. Board conducted its first examination of metric level in year 1970. From year 1976, Board also started conducting Middle examination (8th class). In year 1981, Board was shifted to Bhiwani. In year 1987, Board started conducting 10+2 examination and later in 1990 also started conducting vocational examination.
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