Wednesday 2 February 2011

5 Crores Superb Luxery Journy

Mercedes MaybachMercedes Benj Maybach its famous brands in the Indian market two new models are launched. These two models Maybach Maybach 57 and 62. The company on Tuesday introduced two models.

Price: Maybach Model 57 is the market price of Rs 4.85 crore and 5.10 crore Mebc the market value of 62 models.

Engine Capacity: 57 Maybach the engine capacity 5980 cc. 5513 cc engine capacity of the Maybach 62.

Gear: two car with automatic models are also the five gears. They do not have to change gears.

speed: 4.9 seconds from 0 to 100 km Maybach 57 cars could hold the pace. Its maximum speed is 275 km. Mebc 62 cars in 54 seconds can catch a speed of 100 kilometers. It can be run at a speed of 250 km max.

Mercedes MaybachNo small Mercedes Benj
Mercedes Benj company will make small cars do not. Such is neither plans nor any such proposal being considered. Mercedes Benj India Pvt Ltd managing director and CEO Peter Honeg told the NBT particular, we are making great cars and there will make. Our marketing strategy is a change in plans. But moving more small cars in India?

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