Tuesday 15 February 2011

Hosni Mubarak in Coma

Hosni Mubarak
Former Egyptian president Mubarak Hosni are reports of serious condition. Egyptian and Arab media reports have come. Accroding to Al - Masri Al - yaum that Mubarak is in a coma at his home Sharm-Al-Sheikh.

Hosni Mubarak
The paper is reported the source close to the former President quoted. Meanwhile, Voice of Russia said that Cairo has no official information about it. Shouruk Online website, quoting sources close to the Mubarak said he lost consciousness but he is very ill. He refused to resign because of shock treatment is began. Another newspaper Al Jamhuuriya said Mubarak unconscious several times after that team of doctors arrived at his house Sharm-Al-Sheikh based .

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