Thursday 3 February 2011

Justin Bieber premiere in NYC "Never Say Never"

Justin Bieber

Another step on the red carpet night out, Justin New York City was the center of attention at the premiere, "Never Say Never" night on Wednesday (2 February).

Held at the Regal E - Walk 13, 16-year-old phenom out was convicted in an all black ensemble with a purple bowtie and matching colors as the Russell Russy 'Simmons, Daniel Diggee "Simmons, Lynsey fellow attendees including greeted Mickolas , LA Reid and director Jon M. Chu.

To set the film hit theaters on February 11, Mr. Chu with MTV News recently that he had been told by my friends got any ribbing when he Bieber bowler signed for the film project.

Justin Bieber
To do this, director "3D top step," said, "Such people always [give me criticism], whether the" step up "movies, dance movies or Justin Bieber movie will make fun of you guys., But now they really fever, since to make sure [I was signed.], he won four American Music Awards, including artist of the year, the two Grammys he was nominated for on the cover of Vanity Fair, and I feel they have fallen for him as well. "

As inspiring pictures, explains Chu said, "especially for this generation of kids, [it is important to show] that they on their own without a large corporation I thought it was an exciting way to tell can was. your music through.

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1 comments: on "Justin Bieber premiere in NYC "Never Say Never""

M. said...

pff k puta mierda sereis mierdas kien va a poner fotos de ese maricon?? jajajajaja



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