Thursday 3 February 2011

Mukesh Ambani Billion Dollar Home

Mukesh Ambani HouseMukesh Ambani world's first billion-dollar House Mumbai home.It a seven floor (560 feet or 173 meters) of floor general average of about three building.Each meters.The family will occupy about 400,000 square feet more than will be. Melbourne-based construction company Leighton Holdings Mukesh Ambani started building but was ended by another company.

Reports said that means the owner Mukesh Ambani ofhouse brand new office office office building will change during the end of October2010. Antilia bid office office office building of seven stories, as well as it is clear that this is one of the world's theluxuriest home. Mukesh Ambani residence is 570 feet high. With the turn firstsix containa mega parking garage where some of the more than 160 carscan is for a time during the stand. Right down to about a residence or a residence Antilia Mukesh Ambanihouse drug office building a tip for carrying out an air trade area withseparate three helipads claims thestories away after the tip to pierce.

Mukesh Ambani House
Mukesh Ambani residence and disputes in 2007 Maharashtra thatmulti fairytale castle thing supervision after a complaint that a former owner of a well WaqfBoard landhad be considered a bootleg right to sell it to plenty remainedunder. The story of the state Wakf Board during an approach for a low price as well as a property right ahead for the only don'thave Wakf residence is one of only thatGovrment.

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