Sunday 20 February 2011

Way2SMS Login

Now you can send free sms using the way2sms website. In this website you can create the free account and easily send sms to your friend, Relative and your beloved ones. using this website you can send the free sms to around the india and among selected country where way 2 sms approved.

How to send SMS using way2sms:-

  • SMS Capacity of 140 Letters. send SMS to any cell phone in India.
  • Way2sms offers free mail service. Get
  • Get SMS alerts on your mobile phone as and when the new mail arrives.
  • You’ll receive only alerts for the emails you want from yahoo and gmail also, when you want them.
  • Notify recipients on their mobile while sending an email.
  • Access Yahoo and Gmail accounts right inside way2sms.
  • Get instant free mail alerts on mobile for your Yahoo, Gmail accounts
  • Support all mobile networks including CDMA.
  • Group messaging
  • Sign up for alerts related to sports and news for free
  • You can manage an Online Contact list of frequently messages numbers
  • Archives all your sent messages

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