Sunday 20 February 2011

Kasab is loose after desicion of strut

Pakistani militants arrested in Mumbai attack Ajmal Kasab too has changed the nature of the Kasab and he is not very healthy feel. Bombay High Court decision on Monday on his death coming.
Farahana Shah kasab's lawyer said "He looks very weak and tired. Maybe it's not healthy. He barely talks to anyone he and his habits have changed, for which he is known."

Shah, Bombay High Court on Monday via video conferencing over the kasab's appearance on Saturday in the Arthur Road Central Jail met him short. Mumbai attack is going to take a final decision on Monday.


Farahana said the kasab very quite, looked discouraged and depressed she also said, "He wanted a newspaper, but I did not have paper. His vanity has disappeared. When I asked him the time of decision to be present it in front of video camera, he immediately agreed. "

The big change was in the nature of his former. During an initial hearing before he had shown violent stance. He had spit on the video camera. He had rejected the death sentence and sent the U.S. itself had demanded.

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