Monday 21 February 2011

Kasab's fate will be decided today

Mumbai attacker will today decide the fate of the Kasab. Kasab be hanged or not, the Bombay High Court decision give today.

Meanwhile, the decision to come close watch on the Kasab's heartbeat has increased. Have his with his swagger is too loose. When his lawyer to meet him on Saturday Farahana shah Arthur Road Central Jail in Mumbai reached the Kasab's body language was completely changed.

According to Farahana, he seemed very weak and tired. Maybe it's not right. He rarely talks to anyone to whom He was known for the attitude, where he was a bit lost.

According to Farahana the Kasab on Monday from jail via video conferencing would be involved in court proceedings. When I asked him about it, his answer was, well. He slowed down and seemed disappointed. He wanted me Let his newspaper at that time I did not.

Usually it comes presented in the tight airs, now he has lost. When I court her decision to be present while Cherie video camera so he quietly got dressed. However, Supreme Court lawyer, said that so far the way to the left, the Kasab also the answer ' ok..' was saying.

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