Monday 21 February 2011

Will mobile phone stop in 2012?

Experts feared that the sun's magnetic force due to mobile phones in 2012, global positioning system (GPS) and even the national grid will stop.

Newspapers 'Daily Mail', according to experts due to the Northern Lights can be unpredictable and unwanted event.

This is because the magnetic field on the Sun's poles will be the most powerful in 50 years, which will be moving magnetic field due to regular and more speed.


So the solar wind (heat from the sun to leave) will find the atmosphere of Earth and its scope will affect everything coming.

NASA scientists believe that since 2000, again in 2012 'Solar Maximum' is a threat to electronic goods.

The power since 1958, will be most intense level. In 1958 because most of the power problem had to bear the people of Mexico

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