Saturday, 5 March 2011

Gaddafis' end is near

Muammar Gaddafi
Kahira (Igypt): Gaddafis' removal demand are become faster. In Libya on friday there were a thousands of demonstrators performance and demanding that Muammar gaddafi is leave the post. Meanwhile, Gaddafi's pro-dictator stronghold forces are left the tear gas shells on demonstrators in the capital Tripoli and also doing air strikes in the eastern part of the country that is under the controlled of rebel group.

Muammar Gaddafi

After "Jumas Namaz" thousands of demonstrators are marches in the middle of Tripoli against Muammar Gaddafi on friday. muammar gaddafi is ruling since fourty one years so demonstrator are demanding the end of the dictator's rule. "Gaddafi is enemy of Allah" slogan are applied by the crowd. People are take rebellion symbol of the flag which is befor the gaddafi's reign of the monarchy flag red, black and green. Large number of protesters fly the flag on the mosque located in the Eastern District of Tripoli marches.

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