Saturday, 5 March 2011

Samana news Paper | Samana ePaper

samana news paper

Samana is news paper which is published in Marathi language. The samana news paper is owened by the Shiv Sena. who is right wing hindu party in Maharastra. The chief editor of samana newspaper is Bala Saheb Thackeray and the Executive editor is Sanjay Raut who is right now politician from Shiv Sena party is presently a Member of the Parliament of India representing Maharashtra in the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Indian Parliament.

Samana is a popular Marathi language newspaper of Maharastra. The newspaper is providing news regarding government, general people, system and any topic. It is also provides forums ( called as mouthpiece of the Shiv Sena ). This is online newspaper.

With the first day publication of samana newspaper it is in the headlines of every news paper and news channels. samana newspaper is online from the following the link that is below.

Click here to go SAMANA Newspaper

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