Saturday, 5 March 2011

Mallika says no to bikini

Mallika Sherawat

Mallika Sherawat bikini refused to wear in the film Dhmal 2. She's the demand of body double for her. Everyone was surprised about the fact that the Hollywood socialite Haryana babe Mallika how did suddenly became from camera?

Mallika Sherawat

For this Mallika told a film director Idra Kumar that he could film her waist up in a bikini top but waist down will have to be a body double. She also told that if you want to visualise my lower body than you have to arranged the double body.

Mallika Sherawat

According to a source present on the set, the first day of shooting schedule in Pune Mallika told to Indra Kumar that she will not shoot her lower part of her body infront of the camera. At that time Kumar felt that everything will be fine on time. But when time come to schedule shots Mallika refused to wear a bikini. Kumar stop shooting to hours for long discussion with Mallika, but She remained adamant on his point. After Indra Kumar is agreed with the Mallika. Later a week after the arrangement of the body double Mallika to be agreed shoot the scene full consent.

Mallika Sherawat
According to the sources who is connected to unit, Kumar did not have a Choice. So, what he do at this time? When talked about to Indra Kumar was said he has no complaints with Mallika. Kumar also says "what I wanted, it was. i do that perfactly, I told that Mallika seen in swim suits in my film and I am do that." Is more a matter of days, when we told you that Kangana Ranaut refused to wear bikini at thailand beach in David Dhawan's "Rascals".

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