Thursday, 10 March 2011

Suicide alert service introduced by Facebook

suicide app. of facebook

Social networking site Facebook join with Samaritans and launched Suicide alert service. The aim is to prevent such people from Suicide anywhere online that expresses the intent to commit suicide. With the help of their friends report about it that can who are thinking to Suicide in their mind. Last three months testing many of the people have used it.

suicide app. of facebook

Samaritans is a charity organization which provides emotional support to people whose going through hard times.

suicide app. of facebook
Indeed, There are often get written report by the user of facebook that he/she want to commit suicide. A week ago British Charity Worker left Suicide note on his Facebook wall and his 1082 facebook friend list but none of those given the response to him and he commited suicide by eating sleeping pills.

How it works

Now if you are worried about a friend of the Facebook writing about their concerns can fill in a form. This form is transported to the site moderators. Facebook will give you the URL of the page where the message he wrote to Suicide. Besides user name and how he is a member of the network, it will give all the information. Suicide notes later about the Facebook team will be alert.

Facebook says that if he feels that no person may damage themselves and the case is serious, then tell the police. 3 months was going to test this new feature. During which he met many alerts and any rumors before did not matter.

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