Here we have latest news that is related to Central Board Secondary Education (CBSE). Finally CBSE has officially announced the result declaration date for class 12. It will be declared on 23 May 2011. Students are see their results here. CBSE Class XII Board Exam Result by Call on IVRS Results will be available through the interactive voice response system (IVRS) too. The IVRS charges Rs.0.30 per minute for each roll number. For obtaining the results through the IVRS, one may call the National Informatics Centre number: 011-24357270. MTNL subscribers may call 011-28127030, Idea subscribers 55456068, BSNL subscribers outside Delhi 1255536, while Aircel, Videocon, Tata Docomo, Airtel and Vodafone subscribers 5550099, 50000, 54321223, 54321202 and 56735 respectively.
Students are easily see their results as well as download also by just click the following link that is given below. The first education board to be set up in India was the Uttar Pradesh Board of High School and Intermediate Education in 1921, which was under jurisdiction of Rajputana, Central India and Gwalior. In 1929 the government of India set up a joint Board named "Board of High School and Intermediate Education, Rajputana". This included Ajmer, Merwara, Central India and Gwalior. We recommaded you that you can check your results later because of heavy traffic website is take so muach load. Click Here to see the results.
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