Tuesday 7 June 2011

Rajinikanth's Death Rumours False, Says Family

Rajinikanth's Death Rumours False, Says Family

This time on google there were a hot topic search trends is about Rajnikant. All among us are mostly search keyword is that "Rajinikant Dead". Rajinikant's family is confirm that he is fine and take rest and they also told false that rumors that Rajinikant is dead. Searches related to the topic 'Rajinikanth dead' have been trending on all popular sites, with 'rajinikanth death' and 'rajinikanth died' being the top most searched keyword on Google India.

Dismissing reports about his deteriorating health as rumours, the family of superstar Rajnikanth today said that they were completely unaware of where the rumour has started, and that Rajini is fine and is taking rest following his recent hospitalisation. Superstar Rajinikant's wife Latha told to reporters that she don't know where these rumours started from. These are false. He is in good health and is resting at home.

Rajini had suffered from exhaustion on the first day of the shoot of 'Rana', being directed by K S Ravikumar, and was hospitalised. Then, Rajinikanth was admitted to a private hospital for allergic bronchitis and viral fever, just a week after he was admitted in the same hospital for exhaustion.

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