Monday 6 June 2011

Seven killed, 10 injured in Pak blast

Seven killed, 10 injured in Pak blast

Peshawar : In Peshawar in northwest Pakistan, standing near a bus stop placed in the van bomb exploded at least seven people were killed and 10 wounded. Police said the incident occurred around dawn in Peshawar Matni. At the time of explosion at the bus stop was quite a crowd. Witnesses told television channels that seven people were killed in the blast.

The President said in his message that terrorists were enemy of humanity and their actions would not shake courage of the government. The prime minister said killing of innocent people was not Jihad, he reiterated that fight against terrorism would continue.

According to Media Reports explosive material exploded in a passenger van headed toward Kala Khel near Matni, suburb area of Peshawar which resulted in killing of 7 people including 2 children and a woman and injuries to 10 others. Heath officials confirmed that 5 bodies and 6 wounded have been shifted to Lady Reading hospital, where 2 wounded reported in critical condition. According to footage shown on TV channels being damaged in the blast scattered pieces of the vehicle. Peshawar at the bus stop, and the nearby Khaiber tribal region Kaohao the movement of people's lives too much.

President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani and Interior Minister Rehman Malik condemn the blast. The President said in his message that terrorists were enemy of humanity and their actions would not shake courage of the government. The prime minister reiterated that the fight against terrorism would continue, while Interior Minister Malik ordered an investigation into the incident.

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