Saturday 9 July 2011

Apex Court Restrains Opening Of Kerala Temple Vault

The Supreme Court Friday restrained the seven-committee to open the vault last Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple in Thiruvananthapuram.

Bench of Justice RV Raveendran and AK Patnaik asked the complainant to Mart Handa Varma Raja, the prince of erstwhile Travancore in Kerala and the government come up with appropriate proposals to the sanctity and safety of an ancient temple.

Apex court while keeping open the vault (B), posted the following Thursday further discussion.

"Instead sanctum Sanctorum or deity in their eyes, the eyes of many people now Mr Kallar (vault)," Pink said at the hearing, said the guardian of the complainant that the temple was "public property" and was part of the public. He noted that security should be guaranteed the utmost in and around the temple in the discovery of immense wealth.
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