Saturday 9 July 2011

Heavy Rains Disrupt Mumbai Air, Rail Traffic

Heavy rains continued to lash several parts of the metropolis, the second consecutive day on Friday and disruption of railway traffic, causing much inconvenience to commuters.

According to Met department here in Colaba and Santa Cruz recorded 162.8 mm Rainfall received 116 mm of rain since yesterday 8:30am today.

Central Trains train is delayed at least 15 minutes, while the western line of traffic is delayed for 5-10 minutes, officials said.

Traffic was a slow process, but the snarls were no lines in the artery. But the expense of the morning air was broken for a while incessant rain.

"Thanks to the sudden visibility of 300 mtrs all flights were suspended at the international airport here between 1000-1017 hours. But now it's all normal," Mumbai International Airport Limited (MIAL) spokperson said.

The complaints were reported in areas such as water logging Vileparle, Borivali, Set Square, Malad, Andheri, Malad, Dharavi and a few other places. No incidents reported in the house and the wall collapsed, officials said.

But the collapse of the tree is not more than ten cases registreeritud.Ilm bureau forecasts rain or showers would be intermittent throughout the city and suburbs. Heavy rain may occur in some areas.
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