Facebook CEO Mark Zukerberg, it seems that has suddenly gone shy Google +, Google's latest challenge to the world's No. Facebook.Asutaja. A social networking site Facebook recently hit headlines are the most popular party with Google +.
According to web reports, Zuckerberg probably changed your privacy settings so that they can not show more than many people follow him, or how many people he has placed a new social networking circles. + Google Circles are groups of friends.

By the way, it is not the only high-profile corporate honcho has decided to go private with Google +. Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin also said seems to have hit the privacy button, hides the many friends and supporters as they are with Google +.
Trio has since dropped 100 ranking of the most popular people in a social network.
Unofficial top-100 list compiled by a team of programmers, an Amsterdam-based website called Google + Statistics. The same group has also said that the popularity of Twitter users to follow through Twitter Counter.
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