Wednesday, 20 July 2011

HTC ChaCha Launched In India Rs 15990

Taiwan-based HTC Corp and Tata DoCoMo has launched the HTC Chacha India. HTC Android operating system running on Chacha and gorgeous 2.6-inch Screen.480 x 320 resolution touch screen comes with a full QWERTY keyboard.

The smartphone has a 5 megapixel camera with autofocus and LED flash and VGA front-to-camera for video calls.

Chacha is the company rumored HTC "Facebook phone". With a dedicated Facebook users will get into one-touch access to social networks.

As part of the offer, the pre-paid 3G customers will be able to 3 GB of data is free for 90 days. Subsequent clients can get 1 GB free every month, valid for 90 days. All 3G customers will also receive a free 3-hour mobile TV, including fees for access to data valid for 90 days.

2G pre-paid customers, offering 3 GB data and 300 free local calls Tata to Tata tasuta.Smartphone is priced at Rs 15990.
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