Monday 4 July 2011

Kerala Temple Wealth Sparks Security Fears

Kerala Temple
Sri Padmanabha Swami temple in Kerala, which is sitting on a fortune worth more than '1 lakh crore, Soon the circle of military security or paramilitary forces.

High level meeting chaired by Chief Minister Oommen Chandy on Sunday, where a number of measures to provide necessary security measures, had the country's richest temple has been chalked out, came to the conclusion that the police were not well equipped to protect these priceless treasures.

The meeting was attended by Minister VP Sivakumar devaswom State Police Director Jacob Punnose and police intelligence chief among Hemachandran.

It was decided that the army and paramilitary forces have tried, as they are specially trained teams from places such great importance.

As a quick step, the state where the control room is now open, located near Fort police station.

Today the temple is staffed with more than 200 contingents of police, led by director of the police further.

So far, gold, silver and precious stones worth more to the '90 000 crore "is taken out four of the six vaults of the temple, and is documented. Sunday was a day of the seven-member team appointed by the Supreme Court on the purpose of an inventory of valuables.
Kerala Temple
The team performing the work during the past few days.

OF Anananda Bose National Museum's director, said the court or the state can make decisions for the future maintenance of the property. "If it is decided to target the valuables of the new museum the National Museum of technical assistance it can provide, he said.

Mart Handa Varma, former head of the Travancore royal family presides over the temple trust refused to comment on the ongoing use. He said it was unfair to say something about this situation.
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