Tuesday 5 July 2011

Mark Zuckerberg May Be The Most Followed Person on Google+

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO and face, may be the most followed person google + - Google social network that wants to be his biggest rival.

Zuckerberg is the most popular party in the Google +, the number of people who follow their own profile page, which coincides with 21,213 supporters, according to the website google + Statistics.

The next area is the most followed person in accordance with Google's CEO and co-founder Larry Page, with 14,798 fans on Tuesday morning. Gundrota Vic, who heads Google's focus on social media and Sergey Brin, who founded Google Page, round out the first four points.

TechCrunch was the first site rankings on Google + Statistics Report, which is built on the same team behind the Amsterdam-based twitter counter that monitors the popularity of Twitter user.

google + Zuckerberg popularity ahead of Google's leading social media at the same time as you can see a little funny and a little embarrassed - the CEO of rival Google's popular social network is its leadership.

Although it is not very surprising, considering Zuckerberg known for the enormous media coverage due to Facebook - the world's most popular social network - and its director. Last year, Zuckerberg named Time magazine's Person of the Year. He was also a high-profile TV celebrity interview coincides with the enormous increase in the Oscar-winning film "Social Network", based on his life and the launch of Facebook, hit the theaters.
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