Tuesday 5 July 2011

Idea Cellular Dips Over 2% On Bourses

Idea Cellular shares closed down more than 2 % of the stock exchanges after the Delhi High Court ruled that six of telecommunications licenses held by Spice Communications, which was acquired by Aditya Birla Group company in 2008, would not be transferred without permission from the department of telecommunications.

With 2.16 per cent drop in the scrip fell Bombay Stock Exchange market value of the company to Rs 561 crore to Rs 25,436 crore in one trading session near you.

After opening a slight note of Rs 77, the stock slipped further and so the intra-day low of Rs 75, down 4.70 per cent from its previous closing price.

The National Stock Exchange, fell scriptures to the lowest level of Rs 75.90 after opening at Rs 78.25. He graduated from Rs 76.95, down 2.41 per cent of the NSE.

The court said the six licenses Spice Communications would not be ...

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