Monday 4 July 2011

Bajaj's Motorcycle Sales In June Rise 14 Pc

The country's second largest bike maker Bajaj Auto , today announced its highest ever motorcycle sales in June at 3,22,827 units last month, registering 14.15 percent jump.

The company sold 2,82,808 units in the same month last year, Bajaj Auto Ltd (BAL), said in a statement.

BAL recorded its highest ever exports of June at 1,42,124 units compared to 1,14,024 units in June 2010, an increase of 24.64 percent.

The company experienced its best numbers in June, three-wheeler segment in the past month is 43,830 units compared with 32,614 units in the same month last year, registering 34.39 percent jump.

Total vehicle sales last month, the company was 3,66,657 units compared to 3,15,422 units in the same period last year, an increase of 16.24 percent, according to the statement.
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