Monday 4 July 2011

Rupee Gains 10 Paise Against US dollar

US dollar

Indian rupee rose for the fourth straight day on Monday, adding 10 Paisa to Rs 44.47 per dollar opened trading Interbank Currency Exchange, supported by the weak dollar against the euro and other currencies in Asia and the larger hole in the stock market.

12 Paisa rupee strengthened against the U.S. currency at the close of Rs 44.57/58 against the dollar on Friday in the middle ongoing sale of capital flows.
US dollar
Forex dealers said the dollar weakness against the euro and other major Asian currencies, with the opening of the foreign equity market sentiment remained rupee against the U.S. dollar company.

At the same time step Bombay Stock Exchange SENSEX 172.84 points, or 0.92 percent, to 18,935.64 days the opening of trade.
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