Wednesday 13 July 2011

NADA Initiates Testing Of Food Supplements

In an effort to clean up the system after the doping debacle, which accounted for some of India's premier athletes, the National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) go beyond their expertise in testing supplements for the first time. NADA officials collected samples of dietary supplements - which had not been formally filed, but was bought off the shelf-athletes' quarters during the raid at the SAI Centre in Bangalore.

"It is not our mandate from the supplements used by athletes, but in light of the fact that our best players, who react positively on banned substances blamed supplements purchased off the shelf, our officers gathered in closed testing. This is the first time we test supplements . We hope this sends a strong message to athletes in general, they have to be careful what they eat. This is the first time we perform testing of dietary supplements and we will continue to do so when we come across a supplement to raise the level of suspicion, "NADA director Rahul Bhatnagar said the Indian Express on Tuesday.
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