Wednesday 13 July 2011

Six Detained In Connection with Guwahati-Puri Express derail

Six members of the Adivasis Peoples Army (APA) was held today, railway blast that some of the derailed bogies of Assam, Guwahati-Puri Express, Kamrup (rural) district.

Two members of the group, which claimed that triggered the IED explosion, were collected from the Tea Garden reverse the district, and four others for questioning Gossaigaon in Kokrajhar district, police said.

APA picked cadre Menoka Tea Estate along Indo-Bhutan border has been identified back Marandi and Mathews Anthony Orang but police refused to divulge the names of those arrested Gossaigaon.

APA claimed responsibility for an explosion on July 10, resulting in injuries to 93 people and seven bogies derailed train.

The police had initially suspected NDFB's hand (anti-talk faction), but the group later denied his involvement in the explosion.
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