Sunday 10 July 2011

PM, Sonia To Discuss Cabinet Reshuffle Today

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, the UPA leader Sonia Gandhi will meet again on Sunday over the impending cabinet reshuffle. The fact that a significant names have been deleted in the new cabinet.
This is the fourth meeting of the UPA leaders to participate without the other. DMK sources said the two young moths left vacant by Dayanidhi Maran, Union Minister for Textiles and former Telecom Minister Raja portfolios, but do not have to say.

While much of the four ministers are expected to maintain their own ranks, rather than the names of artists and can be a scam tainted ministers fell to rejig.

Moving will probably happen on Monday. Sources told CNN-IBN that Dinesh Trivedi inclined to cabinet portfolios and the Railway Administration Minister Mukul Roy can remain Shipping.
Sources also said that Dinesh Trivedi Sudip Bandopahyay inclined to replace Minister of State for Health.

Dayanidhi Maran has left the DMK cabinet Thursday after he was accused of 2G scam CBI status report will be sent to the Supreme Court.

Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee also met the DMK leader M. Karunanidhi on Saturday to convince him of the DMK-Congress relations.

DMK had earlier made it clear that this is not an urgent replacements Dayanidhi Maran, Telecom Minister, or former DMK which means the track makes his peace with the company, but is now currently held by a cabinet berth Alagiri MK.

It was speculated that the two leaders of a new Cabinet portfolio, the DMK to stop at this meeting. Mukherjee was asked questions in the government reshuffle, which he did not.
In 2009, the Prime Minister put his foot down induction of the former Union Minister TR Baalu ​​and do not want him now. Baalu ​​was the DMK in the differences between Stalin and Dayanidhi Maran has been a difficult equation.

After Baalu ​​able to name another candidate cause internal problems.

Bottom line though is that the DMK, which started in the UPA cabinet berths, three-II now be content with just one - it is the elder son of Karunanidhi and Union Minister MK Azhagiri.

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