Sunday 10 July 2011

Boston Venture Capitalists Ponder The Facebook Billions

Facebook will likely soon be worth 100 billion. If you saw a social network, you know the story of Mark Zuckerberg coding drunk his dormitory at Harvard and Winkl Voss twins and how everyone's scrambling to lay claim to an early involvement of the company. Imagine if you invested $ 1000 on Facebook, as Eduardo did SAVER right after Mark Zuckerberg started the site in spring 2004. Or even $ 500,000, as did later the same year, Peter Thiel. Both men are now multibillion aires. And Facebook is based on the expected value, they have each tripled their net worths in the past year. Even Winkl Voss twins never work again.

So, now is the sad side of the story. Battery Ventures, turned venture capital firm located just outside of Boston, Mark Zuckerberg and his small social network of the 2004th It is unclear how much the battery out and who else may have been contacted, but according to a Reuters report, the venture capitalists are still scrambling to Beantown after Basin has been the biggest success of the investment generation. (. In raw numbers, reading, SAVER something like a million percent return on your initial investment) Howard Anderson, founder of Battery Ventures and a lecturer at MIT Sloan School of Management, says investors in the Boston area were simply too old to To understand how to become a great social network:
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