Sunday, 7 August 2011

Can you get a better body out of a bottle?

Bingo Wings blitz to a gel, cream muffin top, lotions boost to zap your cleavage. So, do they work? Would not it be wonderful if a better data was available in a bottle? Shelves slim tone, and cellulite are full of products claiming to exile. But do they work?

We asked four women to specific products for their trouble areas - abs, thighs, flat chests and bingo wings - more than four weeks, and results evaluated by various experts.

32, a radio presenter from Bristol, Amy Finlayson, said: "I wish my stomach as flat and toned as it was the age of 18, but since I was seven years ago my daughter, my stomach I makes self-conscious in a bikini.

After month-long trial, I was pleasantly surprised. Although I did not change my diet, my stomach is definitely flatter, and I'll keep using the cream. '

I also saw that the skin appears more toned. If the stomach using creams with abdominal crunches to tone up the stomach before he could return her child. '

A quickly absorbed cream applied to the breast and is day and night for four weeks. Immediately from the first application my skin was soft, but after two weeks I can not see any difference in size. Disappointingly, the trial by the end I did not realize there was a dramatic change. My breasts looked bigger or stronger. '

"We tried out a few bras and found that, depending on style, the fit of each size. When he came in second time, he was without doubt 34B, so her breasts were quite a bit. 34B is a better fit now. '

"I had the pleasure of using cream. Just another morning in a cream and rub before bed. Both were easily absorbed and later my legs felt great smooth. Sadly, I did not notice any difference until the end of the test. '

Peter Unruh, Balaton Spa's managing director, says: "I measured before and after the test Cheryl legs and thighs. There is no difference in the measurements, which did not surprise me.

"Any product which produces a marked reduction in fat or cellulite, a cosmetic treatment will be classified as a medicine."

Monica Geoghegan, 48, a housewife from Cambridge says: "I have used attractive weapon, but over the years I have seen the low muscle tone.

"I followed my arms (hyperkeratosis) that I have not been able to get rid of suffering on the little red bumps. I love the redness disappear and get back to the definition I used to.

"It is pleasant to use and odorless gel was a powerful moisturizer."However, the redness was reduced considerably, and my hyperkeratosis better than it has been in 20 years."

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