Tuesday 16 August 2011

Hitler plot to make the woman!

British spies during World War II German dictator Adolph Hitler had planned to join the field in the female sex hormones. The aim was to reduce the aggression of Hitler. 

The truth about 'Secret Vepans: Technology, Science and the Race to Win the World War 2 "is in the book. Professor at Cardiff University, author of the book. 

Brian's Ford. He wrote that Hitler's Germany against the country in the diet of female hormone 'estrogen' wanted to shake the dose. 

Hitler, like his sister Paula Wolf wanted to make soft nature. Because estrogen has been selected by Ford as it is tasteless and the effect is very slow. 

Despite the shake up in the food tester Hitler could not catch. Hitler's meal was sipping it before the tester in order to not have been mixed poison in food. But it was not possible to hold the tincture of estrogen. The effect was visible after months.

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