Friday, 26 August 2011

'Jersey Shore' Recap: The Situation and Ronnie Fight

We left off last week with everyone dealing with the aftermath of The Situation creating quite the situation with Snooki, claiming that they hooked up a few months back. Surprisingly though this plays a very small role in this episode because now these housemates have bigger problems to deal with. 

The guys pull a prank on Deena which doesn't go over very well, Sammi and Ronnie are back to their old ways already (shocking), and JWoww has suddenly taken on the role of a therapist for the group – how did this happen? 

But in a shocking twist, Ronnie and Mike get into a huge fight that quickly escalates to physical violence and could very well impact the future relationships of the entire house. So much for the simpler days of twinning and pulling a robbery. So who will be left standing? There’s never a dull moment on the Jersey Shore.

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