Thursday 18 August 2011

Love is in the air for Daniel Radcliffe

Being part of the movie franchise on the planet, there are many people who do not know Daniel Radcliffe. And while his fame in the past may have gotten in the way of your love life, it's Harry Potter is very much in love with his new girlfriend. Daniel, 22, on Tuesday, was seen strolling hand in hand with the beautiful brunette. 

The only magic: Daniel Radcliffe and his girlfriend were seen hand in hand on Tuesday as they enjoyed a walk around NYC Mega movie star recently revealed that she was in a relationship, telling the chat show host Larry King. He said: "I've got a girlfriend at the moment, I'm in love with. 

You know, we'll see where that goes. ' First Look: Daniel Radcliffe black women think the horror film is the dark side Daily Mail by following the latest showbiz gossip showbiz Twitter page Keep in touch with But when Daniel opened his feelings about the girl's identity remains unknown.

Love it last month, Harry Potter actor has revealed that he had a girlfriend in an interview with Larry King and that his girl, whose identity is unknown was in love with Daniels wore a plain T-shirt and blue shorts, while his girlfriend a pair of long black lilac vest and a pair of flip flops were dressed in a pair of leggings. The fresh-faced girl with a little makeup and her hair pulled back causally in a messy bun. See Daniel only a meteoric rise to fame with his girlfriend in 2001, the first Harry Potter film has since become public.

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