Thursday 18 August 2011

Little Suri lost: Miss Cruise left in tears

SHe has a style icon at the end of the day Suri Cruise is still a little girl. And her wardrobe is packed full of fashionable clothes that a subsidiary can not be without it - her blanket.

Suri, five, was left devastated when her favorite comforter and Katie Holmes was absent from the helicopter were traveling in. He was seen clutching a few toys and little girl closed her eyes and her mother became very upset as he headed toward the whirring helicopter followed by clenched. 

Once on board, Suri let rip a shower of tears, sobbing as she stared out the window. Fortunately, just before a member of staff find her blanket and get to the little girl in the nick of time to succeed. 

Little Suri's mood changed and a man who was seen waving her gratitude helped. Katie, 32, seemed to put her down as she sat on the seat next to Suri and just calm yourself. 

Dawson's Creek star in New York worked hard to promote her new film is not afraid of the dark. Her husband, Tom Cruise splitting LA, Miami and New York was between the ages of your own movie as he works on rock.

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