Thursday 18 August 2011

I can not find a suitable partner: Mallika Sherawat

Hollywood in the face of Bollywood Mallika Sherawat gathered in an attempt to identify as Bollywood movies nowadays are less visible, but they have no qualms about it. He is planning to get married, but alas they can not find the groom. At least he thinks so. 

Is presenting exclusive interview with him - Hindi cinema in Hollywood, you yourself have been introduced as the global face? I presented myself as any. I Jackie Chan 'Myth' and Kamal Hassan's South film 'Dasavathaaram' worked. 

Both films were out of Hindi film industry. In fact, Bollywood is like a mixed bag. There were offers from the rolls, unfortunately they were not looking so good. But outside the South, from Bollywood to Hollywood, I am tied into an image. The rolls are much different. What are your future Hollywood projects? What is the role you are offering? My next project "Politics of Love" is. 

It is a romantic comedy, which is based on President Barack Obama's campaign Prejidenshiyl. I'm in the role of his party workers, members of the Opposite Party has affairs with. You spend much time in Los Angeles or New York. 

Bollywood is planning to move away from it? I really love Los Angeles. He is the hub of international production. People who really movies, shows, seed and are interested in health food, no place for them can not be better. I can never be away from cinema. 

So long will Hollywood and Bollywood films, I'll be in the cinema business. There is also a Bollywood film on your table this time? At present only one film, for which I am very excited. The film's producer has been trying to get his rights. 

There is much talk in the media that you do not miss a chance to be photographed in Hollywood? Much about me upside down in the media - is written directly. But it is a miracle that I am all these things come out. They write nothing but the truth is that my identity is still intact. 

You take the 'Murder' Bhatt camp who believe that the Jacqueline you are too hot. What do you think? He believes it. I will not say anything about it. Anyway, these things are Disaid audience, I Bhatt camp or not. Cannes red carpet in your new avatar was much criticism in the media? I do not have time to read such reports. You have made their mark as an actress. 

There is no plan to get married now? I have some time to make marriage plans. Even I Location Wedding, dress and eat on the menu, etc. I have done the workout, but still have not gotten anything for me to groom.

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