Thursday 18 August 2011

Priyanka's new partner

Priyanka Chopra can see these days with a new partner. The British singer - Songaraitr, rapper, and record producer Jay Sean Bitboksr. 

Juhu on piggy Cops recently been seen with them on a popular Naitspot. Sources said the two were together for dinner. During his two and a half hours and one with - the company was doing well Anjoy. Although they knew they were the center of Attraction, even though they did not Conshs. 

Jay's many things but also saw Priyanka laughs openly. With two out of nightclubs. According to a source close with Priyanka, Priyanka Hip - hop's biggest fan. When they met, he had long discus music. 

The two on a social networking site - while the other followed. Jay in February last year in New York movie "unknown unknown" had gone to meet Priyanka on the sets. 

Priyanka was shooting that day of early Pakap and had dinner with Jay. Given this history can be told now, Jay is here, so Priyanka will try to spend much time with them. The rest time will tell how long the partner and seem to be Priyanka!

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