Thursday 18 August 2011

The bus service will have a day off!

BIST (Best), a day is just going to stop the service. Best Administration harm and abuse of passengers' tickets, citing the decision is taken. Best to tell the total 4699 cars. 2985 of which are powered by CNG, the 1714 diesel. 

Best to walk the whole of Mumbai, for the convenience of passengers a day had just started the service.However, 8 in September 2010 to raise the bus fare, costs have been increased just one day. Ticket prices increased to Rs 25 and Rs 40 for ordinary and decent buses were buses for express and Corridor. 

To stop the proposal to increase fuel prices this year on the best is additional charge of Rs 10 crore. Also the interesting thing is that people just pass by the many letters have come off. Passengers told authorities that the letter is a misuse of the ticket. 

Some people buy tickets, then completes its journey, the passengers would sell the 10 bucks or 15 bucks. Moreover, after his journey to travel to give any identification. 25 bucks a ticket to travel the 40 bucks a ticket, with almost 2.90 million people who travel an average 2500.

Best of the inappropriate behavior of people than those who bought tickets to the general loss of revenue from the service. On Wednesday, a day to just cancel the service proposed to be placed before the Committee. Although the meeting did not discuss this due to end soon.

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