Thursday 18 August 2011

Anna accepted the offer 2 weeks of hunger strike

Anna Hazare have agreed on a hunger strike for 2 weeks. Delhi Police to remove the conditions at the Ramlila Grounds 2 weeks Anna was offered allowing fast. Anna Hazare reach 3 pm Ramlila Grounds. 

After midnight on Wednesday Kiran Bedi colleagues of Anna Hazare, Prashant Bhushan, Manish Sisodia and Arvind Kejriwal's police commissioner BK Gupta was with the meeting. 

Kiran Bedi at the Ramlila Grounds, Delhi Police to offer 14-day fast. After the team met in Tihar Jail Commissioner Anna Anna Anna told about the meeting agreed to fast for 2 weeks. 

Before Anna and his colleagues at the Ramlila Grounds during the discussion the police had offered to allow 7-day fast. Anna's team rejected it and sought to allow a month.

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