Thursday 25 August 2011

PM offers new formula for ending Lokpal stand-off

In a new appeal to activist Anna Hazare to end his hunger strike against corruption, the Prime Minister said in Parliament today, "His point has been registered.  I respect his idealism.  Anna Hazare has become the embodiment of people's concern and disgust with corruption.  I applaud him, I salute him."  Dr Manmohan Singh said of the activist, whose fast has entered its tenth day, "His life is much too precious."

Dr Singh also offered a new approach to the conflicting versions of the Lokpal Bill which is the heart of the Anna crisis.  He said Parliament can debate each draft, select the best features, and then send the compilation to a parliamentary committee for in-depth review.  There are three drafts of the Lokpal Bill: one each by the government, Team Anna and Aruna Roy's group of civil society activists.

The Prime Minister's gesture of out-reach comes at a time when his government's negotiations with Anna's team have turned vertiginous.  Both sides have expressed their frustration and distrust of each other.  Talks have stalled after last night's meeting where the government was represented by Pranab Mukherjee and Salman Khursheed, and Anna by activists Prashant Bhushan, Arvind Kejriwal and Kiran Bedi.

Team Anna wants its anti-corruption Jan Lokpal Bill to be introduced in Parliament and put to debate without referring it to a parliamentary committee, which is standard procedure.  Like the Opposition, it has asked the government to withdraw its version of the Lokpal Bill.

The Prime Minister said "We are open to all suggestions...for a Lokpal who is strong, effective and for which there is a national consensus. We have a bill that reflects the thinking of our government but we have an open mind and are open to persuasion."

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