Tuesday 16 August 2011

'Teen Wolf' Finale Recap: Best of 'Code Breaker'

Tonight's season finale was epic. The war between werewolves and hunters is on--with Scott and Stiles stuck in the middle-- and all is revealed.

Kate is definitely responsible for that fire; Alpha and her brother Argent confront her in a throw down between the hunters and the werewolves. 

Scott's chance at reversing his 'lycanthropy' is at stake when Derek kills his uncle, effectively becoming the Alpha of the pack. 

 Top Five Moments: 

 5. The Pace of Code Breaker: Tonight's episode did some great things with its pacing. It sped up and slowed down in all the right scenes and it had the right suspense as a season finale. Everyone--werewolves, humans, hunters alike-- was featured and it was fantastic. I really hope that the second season has episodes that play with the pace like tonight's did. 

 4. Stiles is a Hero: Alpha offers Stiles a chance at joining the pack; he claims to like Stiles (how could you not?) and he wants a bigger pack. Stiles refuses, but Alpha detects that Stiles is lying. Interesting. Then, Stiles races to the hospital and he figures out Kate was definitely responsible for the arson; then he gets captured by the Argent patriarch. Eventually, it is his homemade bomb that cripples Alpha. Honestly, he's the hero of this show. Stiles--you are officially my favorite Teen Wolf character. 

 3. Argent Family Face-Off: Kate manipulated Allison into capturing Derek and Scott. Allison can't trust Scott, but she can trust her psychotic Aunt Kate? I have lost most faith in this character. Kate shoots Derek and then has a gun on Scott. Papa Argent (next season, writers, provide names clearly) faces off Kate because they uphold a code. Alpha kills Kate. The Argents decide to stay in town, though they will be pariahs. 

 2. The Pack Face-Off: Derek and Scott team up against Alpha (anyone else forget he had a name--it is Peter Hale), but then he turns full-fledged beast. Red eyes and literal wolf form. Stiles and Jackson--potential pack members-- throw some cool chemical bombs on Alpha, injuring him. Derek finishes him off and becomes Alpha. Scott is stuck a werewolf forever. Simply, it was awesome. 

 1. Who's the New Werewolf? Not Lydia. She's suffering from her wounds and is in rough shape. Then what is Lydia? Just human or something more? Does her superbrain play a role into that? Oh, and Derek looks really evil as Alpha and he makes Jackson (boo!) a werewolf. It would have been awesome if Lydia was a werewolf; maybe the show will introduce another supernatural element next season.

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