Tuesday 16 August 2011

Thomas Alva Edison

Congress has effectively and incandescent light bulbs in January 2012 has banned the sale and use. As part of an energy bill was passed and signed into law by George W. Bush. Why so much focus on questions that arise with Congress to worry about? 

This strongly points to collusion between government and Big Business. Government to take a product off the market that is not vulnerable in effect, the public does not create a risk for or have been charged. 

Off the free market take a long time and historical and popular product, you remove an option for the consumer to buy something. Philips and GE and GE to make the most out of a Democrat is one of the biggest supporters. Since January 2012 until the present invention of Thomas Edison in the CFL or compact fluorescent lamps with billboards of the weight you will be forced to go. 

I have issues with fluorescent lighting in general, I hate it. Thomas Alva Edison was once asked why he was a total abstainer. He said: "I thought I had better use my head." Respond to any young fellow who means to use your brain is worth remembering by. 

Fowlerville up only a portion of the review article published in 1899. Editor, the local newspaper, JL Adams, was very much against any kind of drink and looked for every opportunity to make a comment. It was also illegal for druggists to prescribe medication with alcohol, especially if the person receiving the drug may be a known drinker.

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