Monday 15 August 2011

Rahul Gandhi to die of shame IT: Modi

Modi, alleged in his Independence Day speech that more than 50 years of Congress rule is still a poor country. He said in his address at Nadiad in Khed, such people still exist in this country who feel pleasure in posing for photographs with the poor. Poor children in his arms raised in a photo shoot that they are proud. 

" Modi said, "They should die of shame on this country more than 50 years of his rule, despite so many people are living below the poverty line.

These are the results of your rule. It is a shame. They are ready to capitalize. " Chief Minister of Gujarat government for alleged offenses also accused of using constitutional bodies. 

Modi charged that the center on Sunday against the corruption and double standards in the case of Anna Hazare is in conflict. 

He said on Twitter, see Delhi's Congress government's double standards, look at the big conspiracy. Premier Anna to go to the police for a complaint says. 

Anna disciplined behavior is expected of the Gujarat police officers involved in the discipline of the Congress of that message do not worry, we will protect you. "

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