Monday 15 August 2011

I am ready to fill water at minister's house: Anna

The next step in our campaign against corruption led to a day before starting the fast unto death on Monday she said the government is drunk with power and money. 

The change can not secure the future of the country without a fight. Anna addressing a press conference at the Constitution Club discussed many important issues. He questioned why the village's land was being given to the industry? He opened fire on them are farmers today to ask for water. Anna said that everything has to run back to the villages to the cities. 

He said the government listens to the poor is not just business. Anna said that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Kapil Sibal, speaking the language. Her words would hurt. The times - are the parties of the parliament and democracy. We have full confidence in Parliament. However, keep in mind also that the 4 members in jail. 150 MPs to blame. 

Is this democracy? He must also choose the people who clean image. Am ready to fill water Anna said that the Lok Pal bill is it wrong to question whether the public ombudsman after the bill is not corruption? He said, raising the question people want to mislead the public. He said, 'I am writing that the public ombudsman bill is passed intact but 60-65 per cent one hundred per cent sure it will reduce corruption. If not then I am ready to fill water minister's house. 

" Shivaji the way can also Anna said that corruption is at the root of all problems. He said inflation has plagued the people of this country. Corruption is also due to inflation. Kpshn due to increasing inflation. He also said that Gandhi's path are just so fast. If the government did not accept it then the way may Shivaji. Anna said that if I stopped I will arrest and will hunger strike in prison. He called upon the country if we are going to jail at the village - the village people to jail. But the entire run the peace movement. Non-violence is very strong. Us the strength to move forward.

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