Sunday, 21 August 2011

Would be the nation's largest movement: Anna

He said that if people shout filling Ombudsman Bill was not passed, the unprecedented revolution in the country will be on August 30. 

Late evening around 8 pm Anna said, "I live or not live, should be kept burning the torch of revolution." He said the Ombudsman, the government has betrayed us.He said the government would either bring the Lok Pal Bill, will not go. 

Anna on the Public Ombudsman on the government to civil society to 'cheat' allegations. He told his supporters across the country - visiting the homes of members in your area Jnlokpal to picket in support of Bill. Anna Jnlokpal urged his supporters to pass the bill in the country to war and other issues of change similar to the movement. 

Sent to the Tihar Tihar, he said the government sent me, but not the get-go to jail for corruption is for me. Anna once again reiterated his point that there's Anna, the graft should be to discharge the torch burning. The six-day hunger strike has been low in his weighing four kg.

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