Sunday, 21 August 2011

The government opened the door of communication

Additional Chief Secretary of Maharashtra Home Ministry Umesh Chandra Sarangi and Indore Byyu spiritual Guru Maharaj Ji met with Hazare. 

Union Minister Kapil Sibal who called on the late evening. Byyu's cozy relationship with state leaders. Hazare also have a good rapport with violin, under the former Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh has dealt with several situations, when either are on strike or threatened to do so. 

 Byyu Ji Maharaj from Anna Hazare hour-long closed-door discussion was. He will be soon a solution to this issue. The Umesh Sarangi, Anna Hazare also met twice on Sunday. 

Anna on What transpired between them is not yet clear. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said a day earlier that the government is prepared to negotiate. Hazare said that his campaign against corruption ombudsman bill does not shut the door on dialogue with the government. Thousands of supporters at the Ramlila Grounds sixth day of his fast, he says, "We have not shut the door on negotiations. We kept it open. The issues can be resolved only through dialogue. 

" Parliamentary Affairs, Shri Harish Rawat today said that the Ombudsman to break the deadlock on the issue at different levels in the state team has initiated talks with Anna. Rawat said, "through the many levels of well-wishers have already begun the process of dialogue. 

The talks at various levels which are not parallel but complementary to each other. " Hazare said that in his mind and his team set out to solve the immense respect and hope to soon. He appealed to Hazare understand the government's constitutional limits. Citing the RTI Act can be said to the Committee suggestions. He said, "We Ombudsman on the lines of RTI Act in favor of the bill. About 160 were amended by the Standing Committee on RTI Act.

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